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Booking Terms & Conditions

January 2021


These booking conditions set out the terms on which your contract with Sporta Bike + ltd, a company incorporated under England and Wales with company number 12886060 and its registered office situated at Down Laine, The Broadway, Alfriston, East Sussex, BN26 5XH. It is important you read these conditions together with the information we send out in connection with your tour (including your booking confirmation/booking invoice and other key information) and our privacy policy, which collectively form our contract with you (the “Booking Conditions”). These Booking Conditions not only set out important commitments by us but also our obligations to our customers.


PLEASE NOTE: Travel insurance to cover your whole party or you as an individual traveller is compulsory for all bookings made and it is a condition of us accepting your booking that you have made adequate insurance provision to cover your party. You should refer to “Our responsibility to you” in clause R below


For the purpose of these Booking Conditions references to:


“we”, “our” and “us” shall be to Sporta Bike + ;


“Tour Leader” shall be to the person who makes the booking on behalf of themselves and/or all members of the tour party or group;


“you” and “your” shall be to the Tour Leader and any members of the tour party or group, as applicable;


“Participant(s)” shall be to (but is not limited to) any member of your team, any member of the opposing team(s) and any third party Participating in the Sporting Activities;


“Participate”, “Participating” and “Participation” shall include, but is not limited to, taking part in the Tour, training, practice, Sporting Activity, supervision or control; and


“Sporting Activity” and “Sporting Activities” shall include, but is not limited to, Cycling (all forms), golf, water sports, athletics, aerial or equestrian activity or any other activity which is included in your tour booking with us unless otherwise provided in these Booking Conditions.


These Booking Conditions adhere to the Package Travel Regulations 2018 and therefore all of tour packages comply with the current UK Standards.


'Sporta Bike + is acting as a retail agent on behalf of Sport Arabia ltd - ATOL: 9684 ABTA: Y6727’


A. Before You Book:


Choosing your tour: We hope that your Sporta Bike + tours will live up to your expectations, so it is very important that you choose the right tour for you. Our staff are always happy to offer advice on tours, but this can only be accepted as an informed opinion.  If you are unsure about the suitability of a destination or hotel etc, you must seek additional information, which can be obtained from libraries, tourist offices, internet sites, etc (but please also refer to clause C below).


Hotel gradings: We categorise all hotels to give a general guide to the services and facilities you should expect from your hotel. These gradings/class categories are based on the official ratings of each hotel, which can vary significantly between countries and suppliers for hotels categorised in the same class.  For example, city hotels, which often cater for business as well as leisure travellers, may well have generally higher standards than a beach resort hotel where the whole atmosphere will tend to be more relaxed. We cannot guarantee the accuracy of any gradings given. It is important to consider carefully the individual hotel descriptions and the right location for you and your touring party.


Booking a room for early arrival or late departure: Generally, hotel rooms will be available from 3pm and are to be vacated between 11am and 12pm, irrespective of your arrival or departure times, unless we have stated otherwise.  Should you wish your room to be ready prior to noon on your day of arrival or available after noon for an afternoon or evening departure, it is possible to reserve the room at the time of booking at a cost no greater than the extra night price quoted on the literature pages for your chosen tour.


B. Passports/Visas/Health:


It is your responsibility to ensure that you check and meet the specific passport, visa, health and immigration requirements for your tour. We can only provide you with general information about this. You should check these with the relevant Embassies and/or Consulates. You should also contact your doctor or a specialist vaccination centre for details of any health measures you will need to take prior to departure.


Please note that requirements do change so it is important that you keep up to date with these at all times prior to your departure.


You will need a full 10-year passport to travel to the destinations we feature in our promotional literature. 


All passports need to be valid for 6 months after your departure.


Some destinations also require visas depending on the passport holder’s nationality. 


The latest travel advice can be obtained from the Foreign and Commonwealth Office at 


If you do not hold a British passport, including EU nationals, you should obtain up to date advice for your specific passport and visa requirements from the Embassy, High Commission or Consulate at your destination(s) and any countries that you may be travelling through.


We do not accept any responsibility if you are either unable to travel (or return) or incur any other loss because you have not complied with any applicable passport, visa, health or immigration requirements. You agree to reimburse us for any fines/other losses which we incur due to your failure to comply with any applicable passport, visa, health or immigration requirements.


C. If you are disabled/have reduced mobility/require special assistance:


Please note that because of the nature of destinations, many lack even the simplest facilities such as ramps for wheelchairs, lifts etc. We are happy to give you advice on the suitability of a tour to assist you in choosing a tour that will meet your specific requirements. If you require further information regarding a tour to determine whether it is suitable for you, please do not hesitate to contact us.


If you have a medical condition or disability that may affect your Participation in a tour, you must provide us with full disclosure of any special requirements you may have prior to booking with us, or if such special requirements arise after booking with us as soon as you become aware that they are required. At this stage, we will also require you to provide us with full details of any medical equipment that you need to take with you so that we can liaise with our suppliers to determine whether it can be carried safely (such equipment shall remain your responsibility at all times). We may require you to produce a doctor’s certificate certifying that you are fit to take part in your chosen tour.


We may require in certain circumstances for you to be accompanied by another person who is capable of providing the assistance you require. Such accompanying person in these circumstances will be required to pay to Participate in the tour. We reserve the right to not accept your booking if you are not travelling with an accompanying person where we have reasonably identified that it is necessary for you to do so.


We reserve the right to not accept your booking if after taking into consideration your special requirements, condition and/or disability, we reasonably believe that your chosen tour is not suitable. We also reserve the right to cancel a tour and impose applicable cancellation charges (as set out in clause H below) if we subsequently become aware of any medical condition or disability that you have not made us aware of where we reasonably believe that your chosen tour is not suitable for you or where you are not travelling with an accompanying person who can provide the assistance required. Where we cancel in these circumstances, we will not be liable for any other costs or expenses that you incur.


D. Booking Confirmation and Payments:


Your booking will exist from the moment we receive payment of the deposit for your tour from you and is made on the terms of these Booking Conditions. When you make a booking, the Tour Leader guarantees that they understand the terms of these Booking Conditions and that they have authority to accept and do accept these on behalf of all members of the tour party or group.


You will be sent all travel documentation and will be responsible for completing and returning this to us as well as ensuring tour payments are made by the due dates shown on the Booking Confirmation.


Payment terms: When you make a tour booking you will be required to pay a deposit of a minimum of 20% (which will be indicated on your quotation) per person. Deposits are non-refundable (unless otherwise indicated in these Booking Conditions and on the Booking Confirmation), but where possible deposit payments can be transferred to a replacement if a member of your party is injured or becomes unable to travel.


A 40% interim payment may then be required (which we will notify you of), but in any event the final balance must be paid no later than 10 weeks before the date of travel. If you book within 10 weeks of departure you must pay the full price at the time of booking. You may pay by bank transfer or cheque. We do not accept payments from individuals who come together to form your tour party or group (unless otherwise agreed with Sporta Bike +) and the Tour Leader/tourist will be responsible for ensuring that payment is made on time


If for any reason the interim payment and/or balance is not paid in time, we reserve the right to cancel your travel arrangements. If you are requested to pay an interim payment and do not pay it on time, we shall retain your deposit less any cost savings that we are able to make (please refer to Clause H below for further information on what costs will be applied if you fail to pay the interim payment on time). If the balance is not paid in time, we shall retain your deposit.


E. Reservations:


We will make the necessary reservations once your deposit is accepted as part payment of the agreed costs of the booking, which will be credited to your account. We will issue a booking confirmation to the individual tourists or Tour Leader detailing the travel services you have booked and would ask you to check this very carefully and advise us immediately if any discrepancies are found. If you decide to cancel the booking upon issue of our booking confirmation you will need to consult clause H of these Terms.


F. Travel Insurance:


As a condition of booking you are required to take out adequate travel insurance for yourself and all members of the tour party/group. Such travel insurance should cover you and all members of your tour party/group against the cost of cancellation by you/them, the cost of assistance, including repatriation, in the event of accident or illness or death, loss of or damage to baggage/equipment, loss of money and other expenses. It must also include cover for all activities you have booked including cover for sports injuries or fatalities for sports Participants. It is a condition of us accepting your booking that you have made adequate insurance provision to cover all members of your tour party/group. Travel Insurance should be in place from the date the booking is confirmed and deposit is paid.


If you travel without adequate travel insurance cover, we will not be liable to you for any losses howsoever arising where cover would otherwise have been available.


G. Changes to bookings:


If you wish to change your booking after our booking confirmation has been issued, we will try our best to make these changes for you, but please note that this may not always be possible. Any request to make a change must be made in writing to us by the Tour Leader. Changes may be made prior to your departure but are subject to availability and you may be required to pay an administration fee plus any extra costs we incur in making this change for you. These costs may increase the closer to your departure date that the changes are made, so it is important that you contact us as soon as you become aware that a change is necessary.


Please note that certain travel arrangements may not be changeable after a reservation has been made. Any request to change such travel arrangements could incur a cancellation fee of up to 100% of that part of your tour arrangements.


Please note that your tour cost is based on the numbers travelling in the group when the booking is made or tour place accepted. If you change the numbers in your group, we will recalculate the total price based on the revised numbers & the new price will be based on the prices that apply on the day that you make the change. If the change in numbers mean that fewer people are travelling, cancellation fees will also apply for the members of your group that cancel (please refer to Clause H for the applicable cancellation fees).


H. Cancelling a Booking:


You can cancel your tour at any time. A request to cancel must be made in writing and sent by the Tour Leader and must be received at our offices. The cancellation will take effect from the day the written cancellation is received by us. Written cancellations by email are accepted.


Since we incur costs in cancelling your tour arrangements you will be required to pay a cancellation fee, which will include an administration fee calculated per person (you may be able to recover these costs under the terms of your travel insurance policy if the reason for your cancellation is covered under its terms).


We will advise you of the cancellation fee applicable to your tour, which is likely to increase the closer to departure that the cancellation is made by you. The cancellation fee applied will include our administration fee and be the total price of your tour less any cost savings (such as refunds secured from our suppliers) and income we may receive if we are able to resell the travel services forming your tour. Where such savings and/or income have been received by us, we will pass these back to you.


Please note that certain travel arrangements may not be refundable after a reservation has been made. Any request to cancel such travel arrangements could incur a cancellation fee of up to 100% of that part of your tour arrangements.


I. Changes to your Booking by us:


We plan the arrangements for our tours many months in advance and occasionally we may have to make changes to confirmed arrangements. We sometimes use the services of independent suppliers such as airlines, hotels and ground agents over whom we have no direct control. It is a term of your booking that we are able to make changes to any part of your booking and we reserve the right to do so.


If the change we make is insignificant, we will let you know. An insignificant change includes a change of airline/carrier or aircraft type, change of accommodation to another of the same or higher standard and alteration to your outward and/or return flights by less than 12 hours.


If we are constrained by circumstances that are beyond our control to alter significantly any of the main characteristics of travel services included in your tour (“Significant Change”), you can either (i) have the choice of accepting the change, (ii) having a refund of all monies paid or (iii) accepting an alternative tour where we are able to offer this to you. If you chose option (iii) we will refund you any sums due if the alternative we have offered is of a lower value than your original tour.


If you request a refund following a Significant Change made by us we will pay you compensation as detailed in Clause J below. However, compensation will not be payable where the Significant Change made by us is due to unavoidable and extraordinary circumstances which means a situation that is beyond our control, the consequences of which could not have been avoided even if all reasonable measures had been taken. (“Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances”).


Examples of Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances include, but are not limited to, technical or maintenance problems with transport, changes imposed by rescheduling or cancellation of flights by an airline or main charterer, the alteration of the airline or aircraft type war or threat of war, riot, civil strife, terrorist activity, natural disaster, industrial dispute, disease, epidemic, pandemic, industrial or nuclear disaster, bad weather, fire and all similar events beyond our control.


J. Cancellation of your Booking by us:


We reserve the right in any circumstances to cancel your tour. However, we will not cancel your tour within 10 weeks (70 days) of departure, except where it is necessary to do so due to:


your failure to pay the balance by the due date;

Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances; or

the minimum number required for the tour to proceed have not been met making it non-economical for us to operate the tour (the applicable minimum number for the tour will be included in the Booking Confirmation, together with the applicable time limit by which we need to tell you if the tour needs to be cancelled).

Except where we cancel your holiday due to your failure to pay the interim payment or balance when they fall due, if we cancel your tour, you will be entitled to:


a refund of you all monies you have paid; or

to accept an alternative tour of comparable standard from us, if we are able to offer one (we will refund any difference in price if the alternative offered costs less than your original tour, but any increase in price will be payable by you).

If, where you are entitled to do so under this Clause J, you request a refund from us, you will also be entitled to receive compensation (as set out in the table below) unless the reason for us cancelling is due to:


Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances; or

the minimum numbers for the tour to commence not being met and we have notified you accordingly.

Time before departure when we give notice of cancellation to you - Compensation payable to you:

More than 70 days = £0.00 per person

30 – 69 days =  £25.00 per person

29 – 8 days = £40.00 per person

7 days or less =  £50.00 per person

This does not affect your rights from claiming more if you are able to do so.


K. Fixtures and Fixture Cancellations:


This section is only relevant to those Sporta Bike = tours which are combining adventurous activities with team sports.


We endeavour to ensure the suitability of all fixtures that we arrange for you and although we take every step to ensure last minute cancellations do not occur, in a small number of cases this may happen. Unless a cancelled fixture is the only match on tour and has been cancelled for reasons other than force majeure, we cannot be held responsible and it will be considered an insignificant change. Should we be forced to change your itinerary due to the availability of suitable fixtures following a change of circumstances with our hosts, we reserve the right to make changes as we see necessary. Nothing in this Clause K shall affect your rights under Clause I where such changes amount to a significant change.


L. Tour Prices and Price Changes:


During the decision period we will try to hold quoted prices steady, but until the tour itinerary and numbers are confirmed by way of a paid deposit (i.e. when your booking comes into existence), elements of the tour are naturally subject to change.


Unfortunately, there are certain costs that we have no control over. Whilst it is not our intention to change the price of your tour once it has been confirmed and the deposit has been paid, we reserve the right to apply surcharges after you have booked where there have been changes in:


the price of the carriage of passengers resulting from changes to the cost of fuel or other power sources;

the level of taxes or fees imposed by third parties including tourist taxes, landing taxes or embarkation or disembarkation fees at ports and airports; or

exchange rates.

If this means that the price increase exceeds 8% of the price of your tour, you will be entitled to:


accept a change to another tour if we are able to offer one (we will refund any price difference if the alternative is of a lower value); or

cancel and receive a full refund of all monies paid, except for any amendment charges that may be applicable to you.

If you decide to cancel due to a price increase of more than 8%, you must exercise your right to do so within 14 days from the issue date printed on your final invoice.


Conversely, if the price of your holiday reduces due to the changes mentioned above, we will refund any difference due to you. We will deduct from this refund our administrative expenses incurred.


We will not apply any surcharges to your booking within 20 days of your tour departure date


Please note that travel arrangements are not always purchased in local currency and some apparent changes have no impact on the price of your travel due to contractual and other protections that we may have in place.


M. Transferring Bookings to another party:


The Tour Leader/Tourist can transfer the booking of one person to another person where they satisfy the conditions that apply to your booking, provided the Tour Leader/Tourist gives us notice in writing no later than 7 days before your departure date. Both you and the person taking your place will be responsible for paying the costs we incur in making this transfer for you (which will include any charges referred to in Clause G). Any such payments due in this regard must be paid to us by the Tour Leader.


N. Your Behaviour and damage caused by you:


When you book to Participate in one of our tours, you accept to behave in a manner that is appropriate whilst you are on tour. If, in the opinion of our company representatives/escorts/tour managers/agents, your behaviour or the behaviour of anyone in your group or the behaviour of the group as a whole is such that:


it is likely to cause: distress, damage, injury (or death), danger or annoyance to any person (including but not limited to, our customers, employees and any third party) or property;

it is in breach of any applicable local laws; or

it entails the use of drugs or alcohol

collectively (“Inappropriate Behaviour”), we reserve the right to terminate all of the tour arrangements immediately for the applicable group member or, where applicable, the group as a whole and you will not be entitled to receive a refund for any part of the tour remaining.


If we terminate your arrangements as a result of your or a group member(s) or the group as a whole’s Inappropriate Behaviour under this Clause N, we (or where applicable our suppliers), will not be responsible for paying any expenses or costs (including any legal expenses/costs) that you incur. You will be also be responsible for paying for any loss, compensation and/or damage that results from your Inappropriate Behaviour.


We reserve the right to make a claim against you for any loss, damages, compensation, costs and expenses (including legal costs/expenses) (“Losses”) incurred as a result of your Inappropriate Behaviour and you agree to indemnify us in respect of such Losses.


O. Hosting: 


We do not have control over the organisation of your hosted accommodation and work through our appointed ground agents to provide you with this service. We always endeavour to work with clubs/schools that have provided this service previously and all efforts are made to match players up with suitable hosts. It is your responsibility to notify us if you feel the hosting included in your tour is unsatisfactory.


P. Financial Protection:


All of our package holidays have full financial protection, through our Air Travel Organiser’s Licence number 9684. This is issued by the Civil Aviation Authority, Gatwick Airport South, West Sussex, RH6 0YR (tel: 0333 103 6350/e-mail:


When you buy an ATOL protected flight or flight inclusive tour package from us you will receive an ATOL Certificate. This lists what is financially protected, where you can get information on what this means for you and who you should contact if things go wrong.


The services listed on the ATOL Certificate (or a suitable alternative) will be provided by us. If we are not able to do so for reasons of insolvency, an alternative ATOL holder may be able to provide you with the services you have bought or a suitable alternative (at no extra cost to you). You agree to accept that in those circumstances the alternative ATOL holder will perform those obligations and you agree to pay any money outstanding to be paid by you under your contract to that alternative ATOL holder. However, you also agree that in some cases it will not be possible to appoint an alternative ATOL holder, in which case you will be entitled to make a claim under the ATOL scheme (or your credit card issuer where applicable).


If we are unable to provide the services listed (or a suitable alternative, through an alternative ATOL holder or otherwise) for reasons of insolvency, the Trustees of the Air Travel Trust may make a payment to (or confer a benefit on) you under the ATOL scheme. You agree that in return for such a payment or benefit you assign absolutely to those Trustees any claims which you have or may have arising out of or relating to the non-provision of the services, including any claim against us, the travel agent (or your credit card issuer where applicable). You also agree that any such claims may be re-assigned to another body, if that other body has paid sums you have claimed under the ATOL scheme.


Q. Complaints procedure:


In the unlikely event of there being something not to your liking whilst you are on tour, you must tell your Sport Bike + contact in the UK (preferably in writing) without undue delay who will try to solve the problem there and then.


If the problem cannot be resolved, you must send us a written complaint as soon as possible and no later than within 28 days of the end of your tour in order that we can investigate fully. We certainly hope that we can resolve any complaints amicably with you.


If you do not follow the requirement to raise your complaint whilst on tour, we will be denied the opportunity to investigate and resolve it and this may affect your rights under your booking.


R. Our responsibility to you:


You must tell us without undue delay if you believe that there has been improper performance or failure to perform any of the travel services forming your tour. Where we, or our suppliers, have failed to perform or have improperly performed you may be entitled to receive an appropriate price reduction and/or compensation.


Note: we will not be liable where the failure to perform or improper performance of the travel services forming your tour is due to: you or another member of your group; a third party unconnected with the provision of the travel services included in your tour, which is unforeseeable or unavoidable; or Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances.


Nothing in this agreement shall limit or exclude our liability for:


death, personal injury or illness caused by our negligence; or

fraud or fraudulent misrepresentation or willful default.

Except where the exceptions in (a) and (b) above apply, our liability shall be limited to a maximum of three (3) times the cost of your tour. Our liability will also be limited in accordance with and/or identical to:


the contractual terms of the suppliers that provide the travel services that form your tour, which are incorporated into your tour booking. We can provide a copy of these contractual terms upon request; and

Any applicable international convention, including but not limited to the Montreal Convention in respect of travel by air, the Athens Convention in respect of travel by sea, the Berne Convention in respect of travel by rail and the Paris Convention in respect of the provision of accommodation, which limit the amount of and impose conditions under which compensation can be claimed for death, injury, delay to passengers and loss, damage and delay to luggage. We are to be deemed as having all benefits of any limitation of the extent of or the conditions under which compensation is to be paid under these or any conventions. We can provide a copy of the international conventions upon request.

Where we organise a sports tour for you, we will ensure that your tour is put together using suppliers who follow local standards. However, overseas safety standards are quite often lower than in the UK. You acknowledge that we use reasonable skill and care to introduce you to appropriate opposing teams. You acknowledge that for these purposes we have undertaken basic checks but have not undertaken a detailed assessment of the appropriateness or suitability of the team and we have no involvement with the opposing team beyond this.


You acknowledge that participation in sporting activities carries risk of death or personal injury and that, save where caused by our negligence, we do not accept liability for death or personal injury arising out of or in connection with your participation in a Sporting Activity whether due to the playing conditions, venue, the teams, the acts or omissions of any Participant towards another Participant (including but not limited to you, any member of your group or opposing team) participating in the sporting activities or otherwise. You must assess on each occasion whether you, those with whom you are travelling or are in your travelling party and/or those for whom you are responsible, should Participate in a Sporting Activity and this is your decision alone. We recommend you obtain appropriate insurance cover as set out in Clause F.


If we are unable to ensure your return, as agreed in your tour booking, because of Unavoidable and Extraordinary Circumstances, we will bear the cost of necessary accommodation (where possible of equivalent category) for a maximum of three (3) nights. This limit will not apply to anyone in your group that has reduced mobility (and any person accompanying them), pregnant women, unaccompanied minors or anyone in need of medical assistance, provided you notified us of such needs at least 48 hours before the start of your tour.


For the avoidance of doubt, this entire Clause R does not apply to any separate contracts that you may enter into for excursions or activities whilst on tour. Any such excursions or activities that you may choose to book or pay for whilst you are on holiday do not form part of the tour you have booked with us and we will not be liable for these.


S. Flight Delay, Cancellations and Denied Boarding:


Under EU law (Regulation 261/2004) you have rights in some circumstances to refunds and/or compensation from your airline in cases of denied boarding, cancellation or delay to flights. Full details will be publicised at EU airports and available from airlines.


Please note that any reimbursement provided to you by the airline will not automatically entitle you to a refund of the cost of your tour from us. Your right to a refund and/or compensation from us is set out in these terms and conditions. If any payments to you are due from us, any payment made to you by the airline or any other service provider/supplier will be deducted.


T. Additional Assistance:


If you find yourself in difficulty whilst on tour you can ask us to provide appropriate assistance, which we will provide without undue delay. In particular, we can provide appropriate information on health services, local authorities and consular assistance, help you to find alternative arrangements and to make distance communications. You will be required to pay any costs that we incur in assisting you under this clause T if the difficulty you find yourself in is due to your fault.


U. Law:


All contracts with Sporta Bike + are made subject to these booking conditions and are subject to English law and the jurisdiction of the English Courts. However, you may choose the law and jurisdiction of Scotland or Northern Ireland if you live there and wish to do so.


Note, if any part of these terms and conditions are found to be invalid or unenforceable, then the remainder of these booking conditions will not be affected and will remain valid and enforceable.


V. Data Protection:


In order to book your tour, the data you provide to us when you make your tour booking (including sensitive data, data relating to minors, your name, passport details, address and dietary requirements) will be passed to our suppliers (such as hotels, airlines and transport companies) and/or other necessary organisations for the provision of your travel arrangements. This means that this data may also be provided to public authorities if required by them, or as required by law. In the absence of passing this data as described above, it will not be possible for your tour to be arranged.


We apply appropriate security measures to protect your data. However, if you are travelling to a country outside the European Economic Area, controls on your data protection may not be as strict. We will only pass sensitive data to people responsible for your travel arrangements and where we have your prior consent to do so.


We will handle your personal data in accordance with the terms of our privacy policy at all times. Please refer to this  for further information.


W. Special Requests:


If you have a special request for anything that is not included in your tour, please bring this to our attention before you book your tour. We will pass this information on to our suppliers, but we cannot guarantee any special request will be met and you will not be entitled to any compensation if the special request is not met.




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